BIT Accessibility Website

Website Accessibility

This website will go over website accessibility and how to properly create your pages, content, and forms to make them easy for people to use. Making these changes doesn't just enhance the experience for those with disabilities but for everyone.

To help those who have never used a screen reader, each page will include recordings of what a screen reader sounds like reading lists, tables, forms, etc. This will help you experience what navigating sites feels like for those with disabilities. Try navigating your own website/application with only a keyboard. Now imagine you aren't able to see well or you are color blind. Will your site work for everyone?

Accessibility Policy

The State of South Dakota recognizes the need to ensure equal access to electronic and information technologies for all individuals. The South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunications (BIT) has specific standards for web development design in order to provide an accessible web presence that enables the public full access to South Dakota government information and services.

Understanding that state government has a responsibility to provide online services and information to all citizens and businesses across South Dakota, we continue to make reasonable efforts to accommodate all users by following the W3C recommendations and the federal government's Section 508 Standards.


The most recent W3C standards are known as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.

Section 508 Guidelines

In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794d) as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105 - 220), to require federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to individuals with disabilities.

In January 2017, the Access Board issued a final rule. This rule updates accessibility requirements for information and communication technology in the federal sector covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. For more information on the final rule, please view the United States Access Board's overview of the 2017 update of Section 508 Standards.

Testing Tools

WAVE toolbar add-on for Chrome and Firefox
Lighthouse - Chrome DevTools audit feature
Firefox Accessibility Inspector
Chrome Vox a screen reader for Google Chrome

The W3C maintains a list of testing tools as well.

While automated testing is important, nothing can substitute for the actual experience of an individual. To learn more about individuals or state employees who are available to test your web page(s) or entire website, please contact BIT Web Services.